Psychology Game

Psychology Game Explore the unique blend of entertainment and education Tools used: About the project This Island-themed Psychology Game has been crafted to offer a seamless blend of entertainment and educational elements. The app caters to the cognitive development...

Focus App

Focus App Master your ADHD with Focus App Tools used: About the project Focus is a comprehensive mobile application designed to support individuals with ADHD in enhancing their productivity, task management, and learning capabilities. Tailored with a user-friendly...

Music App

Music App Case Study Connecting Fans, Musicians and Hirers in one place. Music App Case Study Connecting Fans, Musicians and Hirers in one place. Overview of the project and its circumstances. The main goal of this app is to have Fans and Hirers connect with Musicians...

Medical Social Media App

Medical SocialMedia App Verified medical news, research, treatments and diagnoses. Tools used: Medical SocialMedia App Verified medical news, research, treatments and diagnoses. Tools used: The challenge Healthcare professionals often face challenges in finding a...

Savory Bite

Savory Bite This innovative process spanned five core stages:Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Savory Bite This innovative process spanned five core stages:Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Case study Welcome to the culinary revolution...